Estate Agency Marketing | EAM

Generating Leads For Property Professionals.

Since 2018, Estate Agency Marketing | EAM has helped 500+ agents generate leads through Digital Marketing.  We recognise the paramount importance of listings for your local business and work closely with our clients to ensure they get the best ROI.

If you want to build your online presence and grow your pipeline, look no further.

Maximise Brand Awareness and Grow Your Pipeline.

“Paul is the bearer of all knowledge when it comes to Estate Agency Marketing.”Austin Stallan

At our core, we are dedicated to generating high-quality leads through expert estate agent marketing campaigns. However, our true fulfilment lies in assisting business owners and teams to transform their livelihoods by expanding their sales pipelines and attaining greater financial freedom.

Meet Paul Neal

Meet Paul Neal

Owner & Digital Marketing Mayor

“Hi, my name is Paul, found of Estate Agency Marketing, and since 2018, I have helped over 500 estate agents launch and grow their businesses.

I am extremely proud of this, and I am committed to continually helping estate agents build greater businesses by educating them on the best practices to help their businesses thrive.

Although I oversee all the projects I take on, I have an army of highly skilled experts behind me. Between us, we have a blueprint that works by overwhelming your targeted market with exciting content and maximum digital visibility. Resulting in our clients being seen as the “go-to” agents in their territory.“

Book a free marketing audit to find out how you can maximise your lead gen and branding.

Our Estate Agency Marketing Services Include:


Our SEO strategies are the foundation of our digital marketing efforts, aimed at enhancing your visibility to potential buyers and sellers. By focusing on property marketing through optimised content, we ensure that your estate agency ranks highly in search results, attracting a targeted audience looking for real estate expertise in their local community.


Our content marketing strategies are tailored to market any estate agency business by showcasing the best of what their business has to offer. From creating compelling materials to offering insightful tips, we help you establish a strong online presence that speaks directly to potential sellers, buyers, and landlords, driving home the value of your services.

Facebook Ads.

We leverage Facebook Ads to create dynamic marketing campaigns that resonate with your local community. Our targeted approach ensures your estate agency is visible to those most likely to engage with your services, effectively marketing properties and establishing you as a go-to resource in your targeted area for your property sales and rental services.


Our email marketing strategies are designed to nurture your leads through personalised communication. By providing valuable tips and insights, we guide potential clients through decision-making, turning interest into action. Our tried and tested approach works and is vital to generating leads for your estate agency business.

We Help Estate Agents Increase Their Online Visibility and Leads.

SEO & Backlinks
Fast Results

Our Estate Agency Marketing Blueprint For Generating Leads.

1. Increased Brand Awareness & Leads

Facebook Ads

We specialise in creating customised lead generation campaigns through Facebook advertising to connect with your potential customers and offer them compelling reasons to interact with your business.

Local SEO

By optimising your localised content, Google listings, lead pages, and backlinks, we increase your website’s rankings and attract potential customers who are looking for a local property expert. 

Content Marketing

We generate targeted leads with content marketing and create and distribute valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and engage a clearly defined target audience.

2. Retargeting & Nurturing

Retargeted Campaigns

We successfully nurture leads with Facebook Retargeted Campaigns by deploying targeted ads to users who have previously interacted with your content or visited your website, providing personalised messaging and offers to guide them further down the lead funnel.

Nurtured Emails

We cultivate leads through automated email campaigns and implement a sequence of tailored, individualised emails activated by particular actions or behaviours of your leads, aiming to maintain their interest and guide them towards listing their property with you.

3. We Get You Results

Valuation & Listings

Our lead generation approach strategically attracts and nurtures potential customers through targeted marketing and engagement tactics. It effectively guides them through the lead funnel, making you the go-to local estate agent and securing you more valuations and listings. This is why we have been trusted by many estate agents as the leading experts in estate online marketing.

Through a meticulously crafted lead generation campaign, our approach guarantees success by strategically combining SEO, Results-Driven Content, PPC, and Lead Nurturing, all designed to captivate potential buyers and sellers within your local community.

Ready to catapult your estate agency into the spotlight but feel anchored by old habits?

Dive into our treasure trove of estate agent marketing ideas and launch your business ahead of the competition.

Employing innovative and savvy estate agency marketing tactics is not just an option but a necessity for estate agents determined to distinguish themselves from the competition and thrive.

What Our Customers Say.

Paul has worked absolute wonders for us and we seem to be sitting pretty on page 1. Thanks, Paul, and looking forward to working on the other project next year! Roy M Fever

It is such a skill to be able to execute someone else’s thoughts, and Paul does this! I would recommend him highly to anyone who needs someone to translate ideas. Liana Loporto 

Paul is always happy to share his time and the advice is always first class. He’s a great help to any estate agency that wants to improve their marketing and SEO. James Chajet

Paul gave me some fantastic advice and tips on improving the SEO for my business, and it worked. I would highly recommend his services. He’s a great guy, too! Dean Coleman

What Makes A Successful Estate Agency Marketing Campaign?

Content Marketing For Estate Agents

Brand Awareness & Trust.

Content is a strategic approach to creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and engage a clearly defined audience.

Audience Engagement

Smart digital assets and materials enable businesses to connect with their audience on a deeper level. By providing valuable and relevant content, companies can establish trust and credibility, fostering a stronger relationship with their target audience.

Lead Generation and Conversion

By educating their audience about their services and addressing potential pain points, businesses can attract more trust around their brand. This educational approach often leads to better-qualified leads and a higher likelihood of conversion.

SEO For Estate Agents

Visibility on Google.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a crucial aspect that focuses on enhancing a website’s visibility on search engines. By optimising various elements, SEO aims to improve a website’s ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). This, in turn, increases the likelihood of attracting organic traffic and potential customers.

Increased Visibility and Traffic

SEO helps improve a website’s ranking in search results, increasing visibility, organic traffic and conversions. 

Improved Credibility and Trust

Users often perceive websites that appear higher in search results as more trustworthy and credible, helping you become the authoritative property expert.

PPC For Estate Agents

Effective PPC Campaigns.

Using Facebook adverts as part of your strategy can significantly enhance your outreach and engagement with potential clients.

The dynamic nature of Facebook ads allow for better brand awareness and building trust, leading to successful listings and growth in pipelines.

Cost-Effective Advertising

Facebook ads provide a cost-effective solution for estate agents looking to optimise their advertising budgets and maximise business returns through strategic ad placements.

Eye-Catching Ad Creatives

By creating visually appealing and engaging ad, estate agents can capture the attention of potential clients and convey the unique selling points of your services, brand and USP.

Email Marketing

Lead Generating & Nurturing.

Email marketing is a powerful strategy involving sending emails to a targeted audience to promote your services, stories or case studies. It remains one of the most influential and direct methods of communication between businesses and their audience.

Cost-Effective and High ROI

Email marketing is a cost-effective way to reach a large audience compared to other channels. With minimal expenses for design and software, businesses can achieve a high return on investment (ROI).

Personalised Communication

Through segmentation and personalisation, businesses can tailor their email campaigns to specific groups of recipients. We love seeing the results of the email campaigns we manage. The audience is already on the fence, and by implementing an engaging comms strategy, we get to see an increase in converstions for our clients. 

Building Your Estate Agency Brand & Getting You Leads is Our Life.

“To become the go-to estate agent within your niche or territory, your visibility and content need to be of the highest quality, and seen by those that matter the most, your target audience.”

– Paul Neal (Founder of Estate Agency Marketing – EAM)